Need a Quote? Have a General Question? Get in Touch!

For general inquiry and availability, feel free to send a message using the form below. I generally work on a freelance contract, but would consider limited part time employment under the right circumstances. Please use the WEB SERVICES button to see the full design and hosting services I can offer.


Web Services

Frequently Asked Question

Are you available for website design and development?

Yes. I’m always looking for more interesting projects and new ideas to implement in varying industries.

How much will my website cost?

Cost is dependent upon website type, size and comment. Average websites with 5 – 6 pages with 800 words per page, 25 – 30 images total, and contact page, the could run between $3,500 to $5,000. 

How do you handle website updates?

Assuming no change to any one page of less than 50% of the original content or design (i.e.: adding a few images or changing textual content) would be $150 per page (bascially two hours per page).

Changes encompassing more than 50% of the original content, or added features to the overall page or site, will be quoted per page or based on the site itself if site-wide feature changes are requested.

Is there a waiting period for designing my website?

There’s no built in delay in getting started on your website. However, if there is a backlog, there will be a delay.

Will you maintain my website ?

Not by default, no. We can enter into a  maintenance agreement that covers site software updates and backups if you wish. The design and development contract cover just design, development and rollout to the host of your choice.

Do you provide hosting service?

Yes, like many other smaller design and developer companies, I have contracted with a provider to lease rack space to resell.

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