I'm Brian. A Designer & Developer, this is my Portfolio Page.
Hello, I’m Brian. While I’ve only been developing websites for the last 14 years or so, I’ve been involved in computers and tech since the early 1980’s. I officially started careers in the IT industry in the early 2000’s, and web design in 2007. I have a diverse history with HTML/CSS, Joomla! and WordPress content. Speaking of a diverse history, I also have more than 30 years of experience with computer repair, and more than 20 years designing and implementing networks. This website is my portfolio and resume page. Welcome!

my services

Website Design
From wireframe conceptualization or hand-drawn sketches. Using tools like Using tools like Adobe Creative Suite to mock up a site, logo or other branding materials, and integrating into a full site.
Website Design
Whether you’re using Figma, Adobe CS, Krita, or other design apps, or even graph paper – the start of a website comes from an idea. The best way to present that idea is to have a design – and you have to start somewhere.
Branding & Logo
Branding – company colors, font types, colors and overall style. To present your company/product in a uniform and consistent manner, branding decisions are as, if not more, important than the product itself.
Content Strategy
My content straegy is quite simple – be concise. People, in general, do not like to read from the web. So there’s definitely such a thing as too much information. Being concise with client content is very important. Enough imformation to be clear, but not so much that people lose interst before they even get started.
Computer Repair
Since I’ve worked with computers since the 8-bit stone age, I still repair them. I also build them.

Website Development
Does anyone remember HTML and CSS? I do. It’s what I cut my teeth on. Back when databse connections were manual. CMS like Joomla! and WordPress have made a dev’s job much easier, but HTML/CSS still lives!
Built From Scratch
HTML used to be the only game in town. And CSS3 was a godsend for styling. Now that HTML5 is here, combined with CSS3, there are many possible features that can be added with an HTML website. However, hard coded websites take longer, and are usually far more expensive for the client than a template based CMS like Joomla! or WordPress.
Choose a Premade Template
Joomla! or WordPress – I use them both. With templates from JoomShaper and JoomDev, there’s tons os possibilities. With WordPress, I typically use Divi or Elementor, and either pre-made templates or create my own as I go. Development time – and cost – are reduced drastically.
Maintenance & Updates
Maintenance and updates are not included with the design and development. These are usually negoitated in the 30 – 60 day window after go-live, once we have an idea of what the update requirements will be. I do not like to give my clients a feeling that they are being over-charged, nor do I wish to undercut my time and expenses.
Network Consulting
For SMB and local government clients, I offer network audit and compliance testing services, as well as network design and implementation services, through Central Maine TekWerx.
My Design Process

Identify the client’s wants and needs. Many times, they have a site that needs just a little tweaking. Other times a complete redesign is required.

Using available tools, create a design to meet or exceed the client’s needs. Every design I create not only has to meet my expectations, but exceed the client’s.

After the needs are addressed, and the initial design accepted, it is continually refined to address any concerns, and present the best product. Client satisfaction is my number one goal.

Using the prior steps, the project is then put into development. The goals being to build the product the client not ony wants and needs, but also deserves.
Featured Work
Website Redesign
Carl’s Auto Parts Website Redesign
After resolving some onsite networking issues they were having, Carl’s owner asked me to assist with a website problem they were having. Their website was not coming up in searches, clearly an SEO issue. After their designer and hosting provider refused to assist, they decided to have me redesign their site.
This site is using Joomla!, with many customized CSS features to meet their branding requirements, and a custom loading page. And improved SEO is also in the works. This website is still in development, and changes daily.

Original Website
Their original site was deveoped by a provider who specialized in websites for automotive service centers. The site itself was fine, however the SEO provisions were not.

Redesigned Website
I was able to give Carl's Auto Parts the website they wanted, with vastly improved support and SEO services.

Website Creation
Town of Lowell, Maine
In the eastern part of north central Maine, is the town or Lowell. They didn’t have a website, and newly elected personnel saw the benefit of having one. They reached out to me, and we worked together to design a site. The requirements included being able to get out local information, ordinances, forms and have a town schedule; much of that just isn’t possible to provide on social media alone.
To keep cost down, I used a free template from JoomDev and quite a few custom HTML & CSS tricks.
Website Design
Point Passadumkeag River Cabins
Point Passadumkeag River Cabins lost their website due to a hacking event. The previous host could not recover the website files. They contacted me to provide a new design, and to host their site for them. This site is a Joomla! website using a heavily modified theme from JoomShaper.

HTML Development
Personal Hobby Site
One of my hobbies is classic, 8-bit computers. Mostly by Tandy/Radio Shack. While this site is rarely used or accessed, I still keep it around to practice my coding skills. This site is pure HTML/CSS with some JScript thrown in for good measure.
The Color Computer page uses much of the same, with Server Side Includes making up the menu structure. Certain aspects of it need to be updated – as time permits it will be.
About Me
Info Tech for 30 years, Web Dev for 14 years
Back in 2007, the organization I was working for was unhappy with the performance of the website developer and host we had been using. They were using a custom, in house (read licensed) CMS system that wasn’t very efficient. My boss asked me if I would consider talking over the website – I was a network engineer. So, I learned HTML/CSS and created a new website.
Fast forward 14 years, and I have more than 30 websites under my belt. With expereince in HTML/CSS, Joomla! and WordPress, I’m fairly well rounded. I look forward to helping you with your web project!
- Web Development
- Web Design
- SEO & Social
Years of Experience
Independent Projects
- 40 years working with computers.
- 30 years computer networking.
- Firewalls & networking eqyuipment.
- HTML/CSS/CMS 13 years.
- WordPress & Joomla!.
- Adobe CS4 – 2018.
- Logo design.
- Branding.
- MCP Windows 2000 Pro
- MCP Windows 2000 Server
- CompTIA A+
- CompTIA Network+
- Adobe Dreamweaaver
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator